Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy 2015

So another year has passed. It's hard to believe 2014 is over. Those who have seen Back to the Future will know that flying cars and hover boards are coming soon. :-)

Party report

The nice thing is that we invited three other families over for dinner. This was our first real New Year's Eve party in seven years. Mom made delicious food as usual while our family friend Mei also brought some. Casey and I later watched Divergent after the Times Square ball drop. On the whole, the party was lots of fun. Feel free to check out the pictures on Flickr.

However, nobody stayed until midnight this time. CY and Grace live far away in Almaden and were the first to leave. Henry and Sophie soon followed because we're getting up early for an annual New Year's Day hike in San Francisco. The Lees didn't want to disturb our sleep and declined our invitation to watch the West Coast countdown. I truly appreciate the consideration but also wish they had stayed another 15 minutes.

2014 in review

It's safe to say 2014 was a good year. For one, there were many gatherings. Our team at Lab126 released two major products, the Fire TV in April and the Fire TV Stick in October. The best part was my cousin Connie's wedding in Pasadena, although the film club field trip and my 10-year high school reunion come close. The only downside is that work was stressful at times, but that happens to everyone.

For those curious, my New Year's resolutions for 2015 are to get level 99 Runecrafting in RuneScape and improve my PHP skills. Rock on!

Currently watching: Divergent

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