Tuesday, June 27, 2023

a bittersweet departure from Energous

Today is a little bittersweet as I was laid off from Energous. I can't say I didn't see this coming because the tech industry has been hit hard by layoffs in the past several months. However, losing a job sucks no matter the cirumstance. Even though we are a unique company and don't have many competitors, the market is the deciding factor. Innovation does not always translate to success.

Despite the unfortunate turn of events, my two years at Energous couldn't have been better. I got to work with an awesome team and learned many useful things. Another great thing about Energous was the catered lunches. Food always brings people together, and the best part is we had a different menu each time. I'm aware that a free lunch is very small in the grand scheme of things, but can't say I'm not bummed.

One thing for sure is that I'll miss my co-workers. Tomas was a really cool guy and certainly knew how to keep everyone in high spirits. I'm also going to miss Allison as we had so many common interests, and that she was someone I really enjoyed talking to. She was very supportive when she found out I was losing my job. I made sure to give her a big hug before we parted ways.

Of course, job hunting is always going to be a challenge. I suspect it's going to take longer this time due to the current state of the economy. However, I'm not planning to rush into things because finding a job that fits is far more important than getting one as soon as possible. But wish me luck — I'm going to need it for sure. *fingers crossed*

Currently listening to: "Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns N' Roses

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