Saturday, March 21, 2020

an unprecedented situation

As you're all probably aware, the COVID-19 outbreak has gotten so bad lately that it's now considered a pandemic. It's hard to believe a "mystery pneumonia" in China could turn into something so serious. Even my company has advised employees to work from home. At first I thought this would be for just a few days, but the situation hasn't gotten any better. Our entire state has locked down while COVID-19 cases are still going up. I must admit I'm actually a bit scared.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder if this is how the world ends. Perhaps I've watched too many disaster flicks, but it almost feels like the apocalypse is upon us. Although we're looking at an uncertain future, one thing for sure is that we're all in this together. Stay safe and wash your hands, everyone.

Currently listening to: "This Is Our Time" by WILD